D.'.N.'.A.'. offers those who approach us a supervised course with no degree attached, given the name "aspirant". Aspirants are not members of D.N.A. Those who pass the course must meet with us, and if we both agree to continue may continue with the 9-degree system:

Hermit Grade - degrees 1, 2 and 3 - teaching mysticism, the work of Hoor Paar Kraat

Lover Grade - degrees 4, 5 and 6 - teaching magick, the work of Ra Hoor Khuit

Man or Woman of Earth Grade- degrees 7, 8 and 9 - teaching the willed life, the work of Heru Ra Ha

Each grade carries elements of mysticism, magick and Thelema within the three degrees but with the emphasis first on solo work, then group work and finally the establishment of the Law within one's own life.