Q. What do the initials D.'.N.'.A.'. stand for?

A. Druids of the New Aeon.

Q. Why Druids? Why not Thelemites or Magicians?

A. Druid is the oldest known name for practitioners of Magic in the British Isles, and the Chosen Chief of D.'.N.'.A.'. has the authority (see history) to establish a Druidic Order.

Q. What is the connection between D.'.N.'.A.'. and the OTO(?

A. D.'.N.'.A.'. was formed by ex-members of the Albion OTO, a properly authorised branch of the OTO that nevertheless lost the legal right to use those initials when an American corporation trademarked the initials for commercial purposes in the UK

Q. What are the differences between D.'.N.'.A.'. and the OTO (tm)?

D.'.N.'.A.'. is

(a) a non-profit making magical Order,

(b) first formed in the New Aeon, 

(c) that supplies instruction and a system of initiation for free - only equal contributions towards temple hire is required.

None of this is true of the the American corporation that has trademarked the initials.

Q. Who runs the D.'.N.'.A.'.?

A. As is traditional, a Triad runs this Order - Chosen Chief, Archdruidess and Pendragon.  This is the equivalent of the Sovereign Sanctuary in the old aeon order referred to above. However, none of them draw any funds from the Order for personal use.